What You Have to Know About “Inconclusive” COVID-19 Test Results

covid test

There are several benefits to obtaining a COVID-19 certification. Perhaps you are suffering from flu-like symptoms or have been infected with the virus. If you’re going on vacation or seeing a sick relative, you should consider getting tested for COVID-19. The COVID-19 test can detect SARS-CoV-2 infection regardless of the purpose for testing. Additionally, they…

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Why Flu Shots Are Still Important during the Pandemic


Flu season exists for a reason. Unfortunately, it does not stop just because the world is currently fighting a pandemic. Viruses spread year-round, but most of the flu activity peaks between December and February. Before that season begins, make sure that your body is prepared for it. Get your flu vaccine as early as October…

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The Concept of Herd Immunity in the Age of COVID-19


For almost two years now, the world has concentrated on efforts and urgent care for the coronavirus pandemic. Vaccinations are currently ongoing across the globe, and many doctors and healthcare workers hope to finally overcome the virus or achieve herd immunity. However, there are still many issues around the globe when it comes to proper…

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Healthcare Advice: How Urgent Should COVID-19 Testing be

covid test

All the news about vaccination programs can be harmful to the public, especially in states and regions that are still struggling with a surge in cases. For people who have not been vaccinated yet, it’s important to observe precautionary measures whenever interacting with individuals outside their household. Limitation in testing efforts have been due to…

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Coronavirus PSA

We are living in trying times. There is a global pandemic that is ravaging the world. The illness is called Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 for short. This virus causes an upper respiratory illness but can attack the lungs. It can cause fever as well as cough or shortness of breath, among other symptoms. The…

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